Peloton films first Scottish videos

PELOTON, the exercise bike maker that shot to fame during the first coronavirus lockdown, has filmed its first videos in Scotland. Members of its subscription...

Alan Cumming teams up with Bross Bagels

SCOTTISH actor Alan Cumming has joined forces with Bross Bagels to create his signature snack. Social media sensation and Bross Bagels founder Larah "Mama" Bross...

Culloden discovery sheds light on battle

RESEARCH has shone fresh light on the Jacobite army's position at the battle of Culloden. Government agency Historic Environment Scotland (HES) has uncovered new evidence...

Gin, rum, and whisky brands unveil new looks

THREE of Scotland's gin, rum, and whisky labels have revealed fresh designs for their bottles. Isle of Raasay Distillery took inspiration from its island's geology...

Maryculter House donates £9,000 to River Dee Trust

THE River Dee Trust has received a £9,000 donation from Maryculter House. The hotel has added a discretionary £1 charge to each of its customers'...

Aberdeen wins seven Green Flag Awards

ENVIRONMENTAL charity Keep Scotland Beautiful has presented seven Green Flag Awards to Aberdeen. Duthie Park won its tenth green flag in a row, while Garthdee...



Ardnahoe x Skerryvore

Scottish folk-rock band Skerryvore appointed global band ambassador at Ardnahoe Distillery

Scottish folk-rock band Skerryvore has been appointed as the global band ambassador of Ardnahoe Distillery. The band are planning a series of special whisky sessions...

Skotch and Sketch at The Glasshouse, Edinburgh

Grant Dickie heads to a Skotch and Sketch workshop at The Glasshouse, in Edinburgh, to taste their latest dram and try his hand at sketching. ...

The Macallan to open new fine dining restaurant on iconic estate

In 2021, The Glenturret Lalique became the first restaurant inside a distillery to achieve Michelin recognition. Just a few years later, it followed it up...
Angus MacMillan.

Benbecula Distillery: Spirit flows through island distillery after 130-year-old whisky recipe revived

The first spirit has started to flow at Benbecula Distillery after an islander brought a 130-year-old recipe back to life.  Angus MacMillan always dreamed of...

Rosebank Distillery: Sleeping giant Falkirk distillery reawakened after 30 years

Known as the sleeping giant of Scottish distilleries, the highly anticipated Rosebank Distillery has finally reawakened. After more than 30 years of closure, Ian Macleod...

The Dalmore Luminary: Rare whisky sells for nearly £95,000 at auction

A bottle of Dalmore whisky has sold for nearly £95,000 at auction, encased in a glass sculpture which was hand polished for 500 hours. The...
