
Another fantastic fish recipe to try at home

Jim Cowie, from the Captain’s Galley seafood restaurant in Scrabster, shares another recipe with Scottish Field. Jim and his wife, Mary, converted the former Scrabster...

A delicious recipe for steamed mussels – Asian style

At the Captain’s Galley in northern Scotland catch of the day comes straight from the sea to the plate. Chef Jim Cowie strides through his...
Cafe 1505

Search is on for city’s favourite stovies recipe

An Edinburgh eatery is calling on proud home cooks to share their secret recipes for the perfect stovies – for them to be replicated by...

Bringing seaweed into every day cooking

Most of us have eaten food containing seaweed, but few of us will have actually cooked with it, something that BBC Masterchef finalist Fiona Bird...

A tasty soup made from Christmas leftovers

When you've got a few leftovers from your Christmas dinner, you really don't want to left them go to waste. Scotty Brand has teamed up...

A taste of Scotland’s islands captured in print

One thing that matches the richness of Scotland’s produce is its spectacular landscapes. When these two things are combined with a gentle peppering of history,...