‘Speed bonnie boat like a bird on the wing, Onward the sailors cry. Carry the lad that’s born to be king, Over the sea to Skye.’
So say the words of the famous old song, but Skye is far more than a romantic Jacobite song.
Here’s 10 fascinating facts you may not have known about the isle.
Skye is derived from the Norse word ski meaning ‘cloud’ and ey, ‘island’.
Designer Alexander McQueen’s ashes were scattered on Skye.
Twelve of the peaks in the Black Cuillin, Skye’s famous mountain range, are munros.
One of the island’s most famous visitors was Bonnie Prince Charlie, who arrived in 1745 disguised as a serving maid.
Johnson and Boswell spent a month on Skye during their tour of Scotland in 1773.

The Skye Road Bridge
When the Skye Bridge opened in 1995 its tolls were the most expensive in Europe.
Flora MacDonald’s gravestone, complete with epitaph from Dr Johnson, is at Kilmuir.
Skye terriers originated on the island in the 1500s.
Dunvegan, home to the Macleod Clan, is the oldest inhabited castle in Scotland.
The world’s most tattooed person is Tom Leppard from Skye – 99.9 per cent of his body is covered with a leopard-skin design.
Caledonian MacBrayne run a regular ferry service from Mallaig to Armadale, on Skye.
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