Ardnamurchan Point
Ardnamurchan Point

10 fascinating facts about… Lochaber

If you’re heart’s in the highlands, then you’ll want to know all about Lochaber.

Here, we present 10 fascinating facts about the area.

Movies filmed in Glen Nevis include Braveheart, Highlander, Local Hero and the first two Harry Potter movies.

Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain.

Fort William got its name from William of Orange. He ordered a garrison to be built there so he could control the Highland clans.

Fort William’s shinty club have won the Camanachd Cup six times, and won it four times in row between 2007-10.

The 1745 Jacobite rebellion began in Glenfinnan.

Ardnamurchan Point

Ardnamurchan Point is the most westerly point on mainland British Isles.

The Caldonian Canal is the largest Scottish canal, linking lochs Oich, Ness, Lochy, and Dochfour along the line of the awe-inspiring Great Glen.

When the last ice cap melted, and until the Earth’s crust readjusted, Morvern, Sunart, Ardnamurchan and Ardgour were part of a separate island.

Kinlochleven was the first village in Scotland to be provided with electricity as a result of the hydro-generating station at the local aluminium smelter plant.

Lochaber has the only mountain gondola in Scotland.
