Fringe Review: Let the Bodies Pile

Jeremy Welch reviews Let the Bodies Pile at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. HENRY NAYLOR is a fantastic playwright with justifiable awards and accolades heaped upon him.  This production is typical Naylor, probing, questioning and leaving the audience to judicate.  Is it his best work? No, but it is great theatre all the same. The play…

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Fringe Review: Hello, the Hell: Othello

Megan Amato reviews Hello, the Hell: Othello at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. BARDOLATORS may be horrified to hear that I was never a huge fan of Shakespear’s works – comedies nor tragedies. Despite this, I have seen and read an extraordinary number of retellings as they often bring fresh and creative twist. In Creative Jakhwa’s…

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Fringe Review: Taiwan Season – Duo

Megan Amato reviews Duo from the Taiwan Season at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. SOME dance productions are so emotionally charged and physically exacting that they move your heart in a way that makes you feel incredibly lonely despite your relationship status. This is one of said productions. Taiwan Season’s Duo is just as it states…

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FRINGE REVIEW: Chris Grace: As Scarlett Johansson

Megan Amato reviews Chris Grace: As Scarlett Johansson at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. HAVING interviewed Chris Grace last month, I walked into his show with a friend in tow and some understanding of the premise. However, Chris’ natural storytelling ability matched with his deadpan humour is first class and proved to be beyond my expectations. Chris…

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Fringe Review: At That Time, Byeon

Megan Amato reviews At That Time, Byeon at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. SOMETIMES when you walk into an Edinburgh Fringe show, you immediately understand that you are about to be in for a wild ride, and that was my initial impression upon entering the room to actors in comedic face make up with haphazardly drawn…

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Fringe Review: Ringer

Jeremy Welch reviews Ringer at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. RINGER tells the tale of a callous, dissolute actor called Fabian Bevan, played by Fabian Bevan. Fabian Bevan as the character is an actor that has, and continues to have, endless problems in his life, all self-inflicted; his is the life of the uncontrolled Hollywood star.…

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Fringe Review: Nan, me and Barbara Pravi

Jeremy Welch reviews Nan, me and Barbara Pravi at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. WHAT a wonderful way to spend an hour at the Fringe in the company of a very talented actress. Hannah Maxwell’s solo production is amusing, belly achingly funny at times, with a poignancy towards the end that leaves the audience sad for…

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Fringe Review: Kokoon

Megan Amato reviews Kokoon at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. K-POP fans who don’t take themselves too seriously were in for a treat earlier this month as comedy-boyband Kokoon did their run at the Edinburgh Fringe. Combining classic choreography with comedy skits and lip syncing to both K-Pop giants and their own singles, Kokoon had their…

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Fringe Review: Taiwan Season: Since 1984

Megan Amato reviews Taiwan Season: Since 1984 at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. I CAN always count on Taiwan Season to bring a thoughtful and outstanding range of acts to the Edinburgh Fringe and #Since1994 proved to be no exception. On the surface, this circus/physical theatre is visually stunning. The strength of each performer is demonstrated…

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Fringe Review: Stampdown Comedy Night

Richard Bath reviews Stampdown Comedy Night at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. SHOCKINGLY shite. Truly execrable. Peerlessly rubbish. In quarter of a century of attending numerous comedic shows at each Fringe, I’ve seen some right old tosh. Yet nothing comes close to matching the sheer teeth-grinding horror of this mind-sappingly puerile waste of time and money…

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