Coin hoard could be linked to 1692’s Glencoe Massacre

They were hidden for safekeeping underneath a stone fireplace more than 300 years ago.  But now archaeologists have revealed that a hoard of coins found earlier this year may have been put there by a victim of the infamous Massacre of Glencoe. The 36 coins, which vary in date, were discovered by archaeology student Lucy…

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Exploring the Ancient Atlantic Remnants of Morvern and Sunart

AD Feature  Not content with the confines of a warm and dry studio space, Inverness-shire based artists Jonathan Shearer and Michelle Knight are compelled to create art out in the wild and rugged northerly Scottish landscape. Their most recent works can be viewed in the pair’s first joint exhibition: Atlantic Remnants, an exciting show that…

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Highlands Rewilding buys Argyll’s Tayvallich Estate

THE Highlands Rewilding project today revealed it has raised the £10.5 million it needed to buy the 3,500-acre Tayvallich Estate in Argyll. The initiative, which already owns Beldorney in Aberdeenshire and Bunloit near Loch Ness, raised the funds ahead of last night’s deadline. Highlands Rewilding announced in December that it was in exclusive talks to…

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