Review: Six By Nico Edinburgh West kicks off with The Chippie

It’s getting a little tricky to keep up with the latest progress in Chef Nico Simeone’s quest for culinary world domination. But as it’s part of my remit, I’m doing my level best. His latest venture in the capital has seen an investment of £2 million into Six By Nico Edinburgh West and next-door neighbour…

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Review: Luci’s, Lasswade

Living just outside the city means there is a distinct lack of restaurants on your doorstep. So, when you find a good one locally it is always cause for great celebration. And as it turns out, Luci’s in Lasswade is a really great place to celebrate. Situated right by the River North Esk, this is…

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Discovering the soul of sauna in Finland’s Tampere

Did you know that there are around three million saunas in Finland? And given there are only around 5.5million people, that’s an awful lot of Löyly (that’s the steam that is generated when water is poured over hot coals) per head. And nowhere has more steam than the city of Tampere. Situated slap bang in…

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Review: The Edinburgh Facial at Dr David Jack

With a clinic on Harley Street and one in Belgravia already there’s certainly been a wee frisson of excitement surrounding the opening of Dr David Jack’s new cosmetic skin clinic in the heart of the New Town. And never one to pass up the chance to find out what all of the fuss is about…

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Travel: Going green in Prague and Central Bohemia

Living just outside Edinburgh, I’m all too aware that the effects of tourism on some of the world’s most visited cities can be negative as well as positive. And that’s at the front of my mind as I fly into another of the world’s most beautiful and historic cities – Prague. I enjoy travel but…

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Review: The Spanish Butcher, Edinburgh

I’ve always struggled to correctly identify the streets that flow North from Princes Street over George Street in the capital, so I’m marching in what I hope is the right direction to locate the newly opened The Spanish Butcher. I’m reassured when I see the horizontal yellow and red stripes of the Spanish flag wafting…

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Review: Cherry Blossom Tuesday at Tattu Edinburgh

I’m not sure what alchemy was involved in the scheduling of Tattu restaurant’s Cherry Blossom dinner for the first warm day of the year in Edinburgh, but I’m certainly not going to question it. This was my first visit to the modern Chinese restaurant tucked away on West Register Street, and sitting below the thousands…

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