Tempura of partridge breast recipe is a treat

With the Glorious Twelfth having arrived, more game is being served across the country.

To help with that rise in interest, we present a recipe which will give you a few ideas at home.

If you go onto the website for East Haugh House hotel near Pitlochry, it tells a very interesting story.

In one corner is a huge logo explaining that this 12-bedroom hotel is the reigning fishing hotel of the year. Below that is a picture of chef-patron Neil McGown landing a 30lb salmon on the nearby Dalmarnock beat of the Tay.

If you catch a fish then McGown will cook it for you, but as the chef acknowledges, catch and release policies on the Tay mean that those moments are few and far between, although there is often locally-caught brown trout from nearby lochs or the River Tummel on the menu, especially if the chef has managed to wangle a day or two away from the kitchen.

Yet if fishing is McGown’s first love, he also has another great sporting passion which does far more to inform his work in the kitchen: shooting. The hotel, which he runs with wife Lesley, is a multiple winner of the ‘Best Scottish Country Sports Hotel’ award at the annual industry bash, and at this time of year McGown’s main preoccupation is whether the weather is right for being on the river or on the hill.
