Fringe Review: Clara Pople

Jeremy Welch reviews Clara Pople at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. WORKING as a reviewer during the festival is a bit like working on an oyster farm – you shuck away at the oysters in the hope of finding pearls.  More so when you review shows in the Free Fringe.  My admiration for these artists that…

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Fringe review: Journey to the West

Megan Amato reviews Journey to the West at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Published during the Ming dynasty, Journey to the West is likely one of the most well-known and celebrated Chinese novels – at least to us outside of China. In fact, there were two adaptations of it at the fringe this year: the first a…

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Women’s piping and drumming survey extended

THE National Piping Centre has extended the deadline for women to take part in its survey about their experiences of piping and drumming. The survey, which was launched in April, has received 240 responses so far. The centre has now extended the deadline for submissions until 8 September. News of the extension came as the…

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Il Wol Dang on traditional Korean music at the Fringe

Megan Amato talks to band Il Wol Dang about traditional Korean music, jazz and the message they hope to spread. ‘Do you know BTS?’ asked Lee Ju-hang, her question followed by the immediate laughter of her three band members, manager and myself.  Indeed, it would be more of a challenge to find someone who hasn’t…

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Glenmorangie extends its partnership with Connect Festival

Glenmorangie is extending its technicolour partnership for a second year with Connect; the music festival taking place at The Royal Highland Showground, Edinburgh between Friday 25 and Sunday 27 August, 2023. Inviting festival goers to enjoy the wondrous world of Glenmorangie, and celebrate the mixability of X by Glenmorangie, music will meet mixology in Glenmorangie’s…

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Fringe review: Mr and Mrs Love

Jeremy Welch reviews Mr and Mrs Love at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. It was a serendipitous moment when I fell across this cabaret show and I’m delighted to have seen it. The show is a musical rom com combining music as wide ranging as Greig’s piano Concerto in A minor through West Ends show hits…

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Rosie Morton reviews IMA at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.  IMA (the Hungarian word for ‘pray’) is a spine-tingling circus experience from Budapest’s multi-award-winning Recirquel Cirque Danse company. It is a mixture of contemporary circus, dance and theatre in which a sole aerial performer takes centre stage. First, you are put into a sensory deprived, blue/grey room…

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Fringe Review: Warriors

Jeremy Welch reviews Warriors at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. This production is outstanding theatre, theatre at its very best. Warriors tells the tale of three soldiers who have recently completed basic training at Colchester and are destined for a six month tour in Helmand Province in Afghanistan.   When I first read that this storyline was going…

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Fringe Review: Endless Sunset Oblivion

Jeremy Welch reviews Endless Sunset Oblivion at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. This solo performance from Mike Baillie is similar to the Troubadours of France in the 12th Century.  It combines poetry, narrative and music to tell the tale of Reuben.     Reuben, a talented songwriter, has submerged into the swamp of social media and…

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