Wednesday 23rd March – Plenty happening again this morning with “Alf,” Minimo and Four Fiddlers all working nicely at Lucinda’s all-weahter, “Alf” showed particular improvement on his earlier visit there which is just as well. Back here Daasij, Amulree and Papamoa worked on our all-weather and the point-to-pointers who are likely to be running on two consecutive Saturdays just had a stretch on the gallop. I decided against running Native Coll or Amulree tomorrow at Carlisle, I feel they would both benefit from a little longer after their last runs.

The Kinneston lorry at the top of Lucinda's gallop
Meetings in Edinburgh later this morning then up to Perth to collect car from being serviced and back to Perth tonight to try out the Fair City’s Tapas restaurant, superficial coverage on the radio of the budget and a couple of emails on the subject make me think George Osborne is barking up the right tree and starting the process of reversing the way the economy is presently throttled by red tape and a confusing and opaque system of high taxation. It will take 3 – 5 years for the real impact to be felt but he has the right ideas it is just rather tragic that further devolution to Holyrood may mean the benefits are missed up here where arguably they are most needed…