Lord Thurso chairs Institute of Hospitality

THE Institute of Hospitality (IoH) has named Lord Thurso as its incoming chair.

Lord Thurso, who has served as chairman of VisitScotland since 2016, will take over from Surinder Arora, founder and chairman of the Arora Hotel Group.

The institute plans to apply for royal chartered status in the spring.

Lord Thurso said: “As a member of the IoH throughout my professional life, and as a fellow and past patron, I am honoured and excited to have been asked to become president.

“Hospitality faces many challenges but the core of what we do – looking after people and serving guests professionally – remains as relevant today as it has always been.

“Professionals need a strong body to represent them and that is exactly what the IoH does.”

Robert Richardson, the institute’s chief executive, added: “I am thrilled to welcome Lord Thurso as our new IoH president.

“As the institute steps closer to realising its vision of achieving chartered status, I am absolutely delighted and honoured that Lord Thurso will join us as our figurehead.

“His experience and commitment to the IoH and the hospitality industry, I’m sure, will help us achieve our formidable goals in the coming years.”

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