
If you go down to the woods tonight…

HOPETOUN House’s “Wondrous Woods” lighting trail opened last night.

The stately home near South Queensferry will host the light show until 15 November.

The Earl of Hopetoun said: “It is thrilling for me to see the grounds come to life after dark with all the creative lighting and effects that are planned.

“This is the first time we have hosted such an ambitious event at night and it’s hugely exciting, following such a difficult year for us all, to develop something so different for Hopetoun.”

Geoff Crow, director of 21CC Group, which created the show, added: “The Hopetoun trails offer us a spectacular environment, really like no other, with a fantastic amount of ground space, which allows us to safely deliver this creative lighting journey, ensuring that we are adhering to the strictest of safety guidelines.

“It has been an absolute joy to work with one of Scotland’s best known visitor attractions to bring our vision to life and create something truly special for our guests.”

Read more stories on Scottish Field’s news pages.
