BBC Autumnwatch lands in Scotland

AUTUMNWATCH, the BBC’s flagship wildlife television series, returns to Scotland next week with live broadcasts from Tentsmuir in Fife.

Presenter Michaela Strachan will be based at Tentsmuir National Nature Reserve (NNR), which includes sand dunes and forests.

Species spotted on the site include red squirrels, seals, otters, badgers, white-tailed eagles, and kingfishers, as well as various waders and sea ducks.

For the first time, the series will also feature live cameras showing grey seals pupping on the Isle of May NNR in the Firth of Forth.

Marijke Leith, who manages Tentsmuir NNR, said: “In these unprecedented times, and as the days grow shorter, nature can offer real solace, and we hope that this autumn we can help many more people connect with the amazing wildlife at this special site, especially those who are perhaps not able to get outdoors so easily at the moment.”

Broadcasts begin at 8pm on Tuesday 27 October on BBC2.

Read mroe stories on Scottish Field’s wildlife pages.
