Street Soccer nets £600 from East Coast Cured

LEITH charcuterie producer East Coast Cured has rasied £600 for Street Soccer by auctioning its final ten hampers.

The company has seen a surge in orders during the past year.

Before the pandemic restrictions were imposed, 70% of its sales were to restaurants, with the remaining 30% going straight to consumers.

Now, consumers sales account for 70% of its business, putting it on course to grow turnover from £177,000 to £270,000.

Owners Susie and Steven Anderson have hired the equivalent of 2.5 full-time members of staff to cope with demand.

Susie said: “At the start of lockdown in March, we felt very vulnerable with restaurant sales drying up almost overnight.

“We had some anxious moments but sales from the public continued to rise.

“We restocked our online shop weekly but without fail it would sell out in hours – we’d never seen anything like it.”

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