
You will be spoiled for choice at Voujon

Voujon is a bit of an institution in the capital.

Opening in 2005, this southside stalwart serves up authentic Bangladeshi and Northern Indian food alongside all of the classic dishes you would expect from an Indian restaurant, as well as a few dishes showcasing fusions of flavours from east and west.

The interior of the restaurant is spick and span, spotlessly clean, with beautiful cutlery and crockery on perfectly white tablecloths. The staff are smart and attentive. Our waiter noticing that the sun was in my eyes and adjusting the blinds accordingly without being asked, or waiting for me to rummage to the bottom of my handbag for the sunglasses that have been seriously underused of late.

The menu is extensive, so leave yourself plenty of time to peruse, or even better take a sneaky peak on their website and arrive forearmed with choices.

The choice of starters by my count sits at 18 dishes, and I was tempted by so many of them that I may well choose a few of them and eat tapas-style on my next visit. But on this occasion we stuck with tradition and I plumped for the panee puri (£3.75), these crispy little balls came beautifully presented each one filled with chickpeas and delicate pieces of potato, red onion and coriander.

Alongside a jug of spicy tamarind sauce, which was to be poured into each of the spheres before popping them whole into your mouth. They’re large, but somehow I managed without dribbling the tangy tamarind down my front. Smug husband who had chosen the annaj pakura (£3.75) – which were delightfully crisp balls of gram flour, veggies and spices – and much more easily eaten with cutlery, chuckled at my less than graceful dining technique. But, I really enjoyed the wee crispy balls filled with earthy and spicy goodness.

Mains comprised chicken tikka kebab served with a deliciously crisp yet soft garlic nan (£13.50) and lamb passanda (£10.95). The chicken was almost impossibly moist and delicately spiced, while the lamb was perfectly cooked with not an ounce of fat. On the side the peshwari nan (£2.95) was filled with the sweetness of nuts and the lime pickle on the chutney and pickles tray (£2.25) provided the perfect savoury hit to balance it out.

Portions are large at Voujon and we couldn’t have managed another morsel, although our waiter kindly offered to wrap up what little was left of our feast for us to take home. With the option to takeaway I think there’s little doubt that we’ll be accepting Voujon’s invitation to dine again soon.

Voujon, 107 Newington Road, Edinburgh EH9 1QW

0131 667 5046
