The man behind ‘think global, act local’ in focus

Author Patrick Stephen is incredibly well versed on the life of Patrick Geddes, the biologist, sociologist and town planner behind the ‘think global, act local’ concept.

The author’s contention is that there’s much to learn from the sage, particularly with reference to the current climate emergency.

Geddes, who would ‘see the problem and throw himself into its solution’, was devoted to creating an environmentally conscious world as early as the 19th century.

Revisiting the many projects through which he hoped to revitalise urban communities this is an insightful read about a man who was clearly ahead of his time.

Stephen’s writing is anecdotal, yet deeply informative.

I found the ‘on the trail’ sections especially interesting as they uncover landmarks around the country pertaining to the sociologist’s life.

On The Trail of Patrick Geddes, by Walter Stephen, published by Luath Press, £8.99.

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