Three women linked through time by prejudice

Anchored by the presence of the iconic Bass Rock, this novel by Evie Wyld is a catalogue of brutal male dominance, following the lives of three women separated by centuries but linked by prejudice.

And while countless authors have written of female victims and male villains, Wyld’s thought-provoking plots separate this book from many others on the shelves.

The female characters are believable, with their plights becoming increasingly fragile throughout: Viviane mourns the loss of her father; Ruth, in the wake of WWII and the death of her husband, navigates a new marriage and community; and Sarah is evading trial for witchcraft.

The storylines are complex, and patience is required to learn how the women’s lives intertwine, but Wyld’s three narratives are artfully crafted to suit the shifting time frames, and she depicts the grave effects of gaslighting and rape to startling effect.

The Bass Rock, by Evie Wyld, published by Jonathan Cape, £16.99.

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