Nicola Benedetti returns with online teaching videos

The Benedetti Foundation has announced the return of the With Nicky Series – an online series of educational videos from Scots violinist Nicola Benedetti.

These will provide information, guidance, and support for musicians throughout their musical and personal development.

Each video will be released on the first of every month starting on Monday 1 March at 10am, and available on Nicola’s You Tube channel HERE.

The first four videos will cover the following topics:

Bow Hold, released on Monday 1 March; Bow Hold Part 2, released on Thursday 1 April; Left Hand, released on Saturday 1 May; Shifting, released on Tuesday 1 June.

Each month, Nicola will deliver two live Mini With Nicky Sessions based on the topic of that month’s video for both young people and adults. The sessions will take place on Zoom and there will be a fee of £9 but full financial support is available, and no one will be prevented from attending due to financial circumstances. Recordings will be made available to those who can’t attend live.

Bow Hold – live ‘With Nicky’ Mini Sessions: Monday 22 and 29 March from 5.30–6pm for Young People; Monday 22 and 29 March from 6.30 7pm for adults

Bow Hold Part 2 – live ‘With Nicky’ Mini Sessions: Monday 19 and 26 April from 5.30 – 6pm for Young People; Monday 19 and 26 April from 6.30 – 7pm for adults.

Left Hand – live ‘With Nicky’ Mini Sessions: Monday 24 and 31 May from 5.30–6pm for Young People; Monday 24 and 31 May from 6.30–7pm for adults.

Shifting – live ‘With Nicky’ Mini Sessions: Monday 14 and 21 June from 5.30–6pm for Young People; Monday 14 and 21 June from 6.30–7pm for adults

As participants watch the ‘With Nicky’ films, the Benedetti Foundation encourages everyone to upload their videos of the exercises and tag the Benedetti Foundation on social media. Use #withnickychallenge and the Foundation will collate some of its favourites each month to share across our social media platforms.

Each ‘With Nicky’ video comes with an accompanying resource for anyone to complete. Full of questions to get you thinking, each resource also has a creative challenge within it. Complete the task and email it to:

For more information visit
