Review: Lotte Glob exhibition, Ullapool

Lotte Glob is an internationally acclaimed Danish potter and ceramicist based in North West Scotland. In this, her 80th year, An Talla Solais, in Ullapool, surveys some of the key elements which make up Glob’s evocative artistic output, her influences, and her life as a sculptor. Writer LG Thomson takes a look at the exhibition…

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Scotland’s lost railway to the north-west

Academic books needn’t be reserved for PhD students with a knack for deciphering dense text. Drummond’s style is highly accessible, yet informative. Delving into archives, he unveils the story of north west Scotland in the 1890s, explaining why a railway to Ullapool never came to fruition. It is a niche topic, but even a transport…

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By the sea shore: The Seafood Shack cookbook

A trip to the coast is a free pass to indulge in the simple pleasures. Some collect seashells, others build sandcastles, and the day simply isn’t complete without sampling the Great Scottish Fruits de Mer.  Thanks to local lasses Kirsty Scobie and Fenella Renwick, such fabulous fare is not hard to come by in Ullapool.…

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Our rich fishing history – can you help?

Is your family descended from a long line of fishermen and women? If so then you may be able to help us. Every year, Wyvex Media, which owns Scottish Field, publishes a super calendar of photographs depicting Scotland’s proud fishing past. Pictures of fishing boats and their crew, fishwives, ports and harbours. This year we…

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