Another splendid day and 16 horses did 3 steady 7f canters on the riverbank gallop, it is nearly perfect now and hopefully we will do some fast work on it later in the week. A few others went hacking, we’re at the stage in the season when a lot of the horses really need turned away for the summer, it’s not quite time to turn them out though and there are a few good meetings left so we are trying to keep them fresh and fit in the hope that at some stage it rains, I am sure it will, probably just after I have cracked and put the horses in the field! We also have a few youngsters that need ridden again before their summer break, with 20 horses in work here we are pushed for time so one or two will go away for a month and a couple will be ridden here including this horse (above), a 4yo by Hellissio he is the 7th foal out of Harrietfield and I am really looking forward to training him, he was doing fastish canters before we turned him away in November and will hopefully be the best so far. Despite my resolution to stop breeding horses this afternoon I was unable to resist booking Harrietfield in to Black Sam Bellamy who stands down in Shropshire, have a look, he is an awesome horse and is a full brother to the mighty Galileo and a falf brother to the even mightier Sea the Stars, she will leave on Friday. Entries out for Saturday, badly need some rain at Balcormo, Carlisle and Kelso, nothing really in the forecast so can’t really make plans, just concentrate on making sure the horses are fit and well.

4yo by Hellissio ex Harrietfield