Gardeners get ready for spring

gardentrowelandflowerNow that spring is finally just around the corner we welcome back our ‘Garden News’ pages in your March issue. In it  you will find lots of tips on what to do in the garden at this time of year to ensure that everything is in top condition for a colourful year. There are also ideas on things for keen gardeners to do in the spring – gardens that are open and courses that are running for the green fingered reader.

I like to visit the garden at Hill Tarvit in Fife it isn’t a huge garden but I just love it and always come home brimming with ideas for my own garden. It was built to the designs of Robert Lorimer and is beautiful. I know that there are grander and bigger gardens out there but this one for me is perfect.  Click here for a link to images.

What gardens do you, the reader love to visit, I wonder? Is there a garden that always inspires you or is there one in particular that you are definately going to visit this year. Add your comments at the bottom here and let me know. You never know we might feature your favourite in the magazine this year.


Creative Editor
