Wednesday May 11th…Heavy showers yesterday and I suspect conditions at Perth this evening will be testing for the time of year. We have three declared to run; Amulree runs in the 6.40, 9 run and Lucy rides, I have been desperate to get her on the track for weeks now as she has been threatening to explode at home, this race is not ideal though as she is out of the handicap and I am uncertain that she will stay the trip in the ocnditions, she is very well though! Having failed to stay over 3 miles last time The Paddy Premium drops back to 2 miles in a competitive looking handicap chase at 8.10, 10 run and Wilson Renwick rides. This trip is on the sharp side for him but the soft ground should make it more of a test and there is sure to be a lot of pace so he could creep into it late on. Daasij is declared to run in the 8.40 but I will assess conditions prior to committing him. It should be a fun evening meeting, particularly if the showers stay away…..

The Paddy Premium