Foraging for brambles for a Scotch Lamb recipe

Andy Waugh, forager and chef-owner of Sixes and Mac & Wild restaurants, this week shares some tasty recipes with Scottish Field.

Use this recipe to celebrate the seasonality of Scotch Lamb by combining it with the beauty of what’s growing in the wild. For making this dish in autumn, I recommend foraging for fresh brambles, cobnuts and ceps or chanterelles – depending on what you can get your hands on.

You can find brambles almost anywhere – woods, hedges, heaths and maybe even your own garden if you’re lucky! And you can substitute them for practically any other berry you’re able to find without impacting the flavour of the dish too much.

The ripest of cobnuts can usually be found in September or October when hazel tree leaves start to change colour. You’ll know they’re ripe enough to eat if the papery outer covering has started pulling back from the nut.
