‘Talk to a Farmer’ week live in schools

CHILDREN will be asking questions about the countryside through online broadcasts during the second “Talk to a Farmer” week, organised by The Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET).

Farmers from throughout Scotland will be answering questions via video links to school classrooms.

This year’s sessions will focus on farmers producing seeds and grains.

There’s still time for teachers to sign-up for the online events, which take place on 6-10 February.

Robert Mackenzie, who makes cold-pressed rapeseed oil at Cullisse near Tain in the Highlands, said: “When I was asked if I would get involved in the ‘Talk to a Farmer’ event, it really was a no brainer for me.

“What a great way to inspire and engage with pupils so they know the facts about their food production.

“Also, we can help them see what they are learning in class is needed on farms and it’s an industry with huge potential for various careers.”

Carol Littlewood, the RHET’s Angus [roject coordinator, added: “Being able to offer schools visits to working farms or by visiting them in school is all possible thanks to those who give RHET their time for free.

“Farmers from all over the country support RHET in our work in so many different ways and this online event is just one of them.

“We are delighted to see a steady return of schools visiting our working countryside, so this online event is a brilliant shop window, a snapshot of what they could see when they are out and about.”

Read more stories on Scottish Field’s outdoors pages.

Plus, don’t miss the Munro Mk1 electric 4×4 in the February issue of Scottish Field magazine.
