The Lassi is a milk treat – for the lads and lassies!

They say it’s the oldest smoothie in the world and a special version of it is now being served up in Scotland for World Milk Day tomorrow (Saturday).

The Lassi is a smooth and creamy Indian summer cooler that is traditionally served in earthen pots called matkas.

Boasting miraculous powers that can cool you instantly, the yoghurt-based refreshment flocks the streets and eateries not just in Northern India, but across the subcontinent during the hot season.

Now Glasgow’s Dhabba restaurant, which offers a host of authentic North Indian delicacies, is offering up a sandalwood and fennel Lassi.

Sandalwood has long been intrinsic to Indian culture and has nearly fifteen names in the Indian languages. The sandalwood’s heartwood is considered sacred, and it is said that its rich fragrance constitutes the scent of all of paradise.

India is also the biggest exporter of Fennel seeds widely known as saunf.

Dhabba owner Navdeep Basi said: ‘India is the world’s largest producer of milk and is the leading exporter of skimmed milk powder. At The Dhabba we like to try out different ideas and wanted to celebrate this long-standing association and decided to combine some of our traditional spices with an authentic favourite.

‘Our slightly nutty and delicious tasting concoction of Sandalwood and Fennel lassi is available for £3.45 on Saturday and we know it will help to cool shoppers down after a visit into town.’
