A day learning countryside skills for young people

A day out with a difference for youngsters is being lined up by the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust.

On 22 August, young people aged between 12 and 15 can enjoy a day at the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust’s demonstration farm at Auchnerran, near Logie Coldstone in Aberdeenshire, which will bring on their interest in the countryside, conservation and wildlife and game management.

The day, sponsored by the Norman Clarke Fund and billed as Scotland’s Young Shooters Day, covers shooting tuition and clay shooting, conservation skills and an insight into modern game management, ferret handling, and preparing game for the table – plucking, gutting, skinning and jointing.

The Game & Wildlife Scottish Demonstration Farm is ideal for this activity not only because of its principles of promoting effective conservation management on a modern working hill-edge farm, but also because of access to all knowledge and advisory expertise of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust.

Sarah Ballantyne of GWCT Scotland said: ‘This is a fantastic day out for anyone in that age bracket with an interest in the countryside providing access to a location absolutely set up to deliver this type of knowledge and skills training. I would have loved an opportunity like this!’

Places are still available, with a full-day cost of £50 including lunch, refreshments, clays, cartridges, tuition fees and VAT.

To book or for more information contact Irene Johnston at GWCT Scotland HQ on 01738 551511 or visit the events calendar at www.gwct.org.uk.
