High School of Glasgow make generous charity donations

Junior School pupils from The High School of Glasgow in Bearsden have donated 753 items to local charities as part of this year’s Harvest Week. 

Children put into practice one of the School’s Values of being ‘community-minded’ by bringing in food items and toiletries to give to those supported by a number of Glasgow charities. 

The items were divided between the following charities: Focal Point Day Centre in Drumchapel, a service that aims to promote social stimulation and prevent isolation in older people, East Dunbartonshire Foodbank and The Salvation Army’s William Hunter House which provides short term supported accommodation for adults experiencing homelessness in Glasgow. 

Heather Fuller, Head Teacher, said: ‘Children and their families rallied together to collect the amazing number of 753 essential items to donate to three separate charities. 

‘The mountains of donations at our collection point were a visual representation of just how much pupils and their families care for those in our local community. 

‘We hope that what we have been able to donate makes some difference to those who rely on the help and support of these fantastic charities.’

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Plus, don’t miss the November issue of Scottish Field magazine.
