Fringe reviews: The Greatest Show Songs

Jeremy Welch reviews The Greatest Show Songs at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

On arrival I was expecting a wide age range of attendees but it would seem that this show has a large groupie following of silver haired West End aficionados.  

It felt slightly like arriving on a SAGA cruise holiday, which was a shame as this show should have much wider appeal.

Imagine arriving in Shaftesbury Avenue and being able to drop into each and every theatre to listen to one song from the production before moving onto the next venue.  

This is what The Greatest Show Song production is all about and with West End theatre productions charging an average monthly mortgage payment for a single ticket, this production at £15 offers magnificent value.

Oliver Harris has a wonderful voice, strong, vibrant, clear and the ability to deliver the songs in a candescence that brings the West End to this relatively small venue.  It is obvious that songwriters and singers of show songs are a passion for Harris as before he launches into the song he provides a potted history of both writers and artist who firstly performed the songs.  It is both informative and, in some cases, surprising who composed the songs.

I enjoyed the show. For those that cannot afford, and, indeed, those that can afford West End ticket prices this is a show well worth your time attending.  Starting at 1730 and finishing at 1830 it’s a nice prelude to cocktail hour.


The Greatest Show Songs is on at Venue 47 Le Monde – Dirty Martini – from August Aug 15-27

Tickets can be bought HERE.

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