Fringe Review: Alexander Bennett: I Can’t Stand the Man, Myself

Alister Tenneb reviews Alexander Bennett: I Can’t Stand the Man, Myself at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

HAVING arrived just in time for the performance, I was dreading sitting at the front and where the only empty seat was in this sell out production – I was very relieved that Alexander Bennett made a point of engaging with people sitting further back because “that’s where all the chickens sit”.

A mixed crowd greatly enjoyed the show with loud laughs all round apart from one unlucky individual who wasn’t so comfortable at the one to one engagement and took it a bit personally – when these things happen at a show it can make things a lot more unpredicatable but Bennett used the engagement well for some unscripted banter. Bennett links fast paced stories surrounding his girlfriend’s departure, difficult decisions regarding toilet trauma at a Robbie Williams concert – to go or not to go? – and the perils of house sharing and the art of seduction aided by a trap door in the middle of your kitchen. Excellent observational comedy that the crowd got completely. Some stories were dark and edgy but got the laughs they deserved.

He works hard at delivering his show, has an infectious enthusiasm and he’s a very likeable comedian. A great show that’s been well written and confidently performed. I’m sure his shows will sell out next year too.


Gilded Balloon, Patter House – find out more about the show at

Read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.

Plus, don’t miss the September issue of Scottish Field magazine.
