Ice cream with coconut and lime
Ice cream with coconut and lime

Scottish Field samples the deep fried Creme Egg

Restaurants all over the world enjoy using seasonal produce, and Edinburgh fish and chip restaurant Bertie’s is no different.

However, if you’re thinking seasonal produce means vegetables and herbs that are currently growing, that’s not what we’re talking about here. We’re talking about the humble Cadbury’s Creme Egg.

To mark Easter, Bertie’s has added a deep fried Creme Egg to its menu – and Scottish Field were the first to order and try it. Forget the deep fried Mars Bar. A new kid is in town.

For years, the iconic seasonal chocolate used the advertising slogan ‘How do you eat yours?’ The deep fried option is a surprising hit.

The Creme Egg has been removed from its foil, and covered in batter, then placed in a deep fat fryer. Mine was presented with a bowl of wonderful sweet vanilla ice cream, with chocolate sauce, and two balls of candy floss. It’s sugary, and it’s heavenly.

The deep fried Creme Egg at Bertie’s in Edinburgh

My first problem related to the old tagline – how would I eat it? I considered picking it up on a spoon and carefully biting it, or using the spoon to cut it in half, or picking it up and carefully opening it, and using the spoon to scoop out the contents.

In the end, I didn’t do any of those. I just picked it up and bit into it.

And, given that I have a very sweet tooth, I was immediately in heaven.

The batter was sweet and not too crispy, containing the melted goodness within. The chocolate had melted but retained the basic structure of the Creme Egg, whilst the creme inside had melted into a running goo – and tasted better than ever.

It’s hot, but thankfully not too hot, and went down a treat. The batter and the chocolate are a wonderful combination, giving a bit of texture to go with the soft inside of the egg, and immediately had me wanting more.

The deep fried Creme Egg in its gooey glory

I combined it with the ice cream, and again, it went down superbly – this is very much a dessert for those who like their dessert to be sugary.

The couple sitting on the table next to me didn’t actually realise what I had ordered, and asked what it was. When I explained, the younger diner’s eyes lit up. Her mum didn’t look so sure.

The deep fried creme eggs is available as part of Bertie’s dessert offerings and priced at £5.95. It’s only available until Thursday, 25 April – so this is appointment dining.

This was my first visit to Bertie’s, and was delighted with the quality of service – my server, Alan, looked after me from start to finish, ensuring everything was up to standard. It most definitely was.

I could hear people around me saying they had come from America, and Bertie’s had been recommended to them by friends who had previously visited Edinburgh. That’s the best kind of advert you can have.

Before my deep fried Creme Egg, I had enjoyed a battered cod and chips.

The cod and chips at Bertie’s

Batter can be such a difficult thing to get right – it can be thick and crunchy, retaining lots of grease, which detracts from the flavour of the fish. Not at Bertie’s – this was just how I like it. It was soft, without too strong a flavour, which didn’t detract from the cod.

The cod itself was evidently fresh – it was a lovely, flaky texture, and definitely not slimy. Sometimes, I’ve had to use tartare sauce to help me eat my fish, but here, it’s a pleasant accompaniment, as the flavour of the cod is good enough on its own.

As for the chips, they’re just how I like them. They’re not too crunchy but not too soft either – just the way chips should be.

Recommended. It’s just a shame that Easter comes just once a year!

Bertie’s, 9 Victoria St, Edinburgh, EH1 2HE

0131 322 1000
