Meet us at the Highland Show

Here at Scottish Field we are gearing up for the annual marathon that is the Royal Highland Show at Ingliston. We will be hoping to meet lots of you on our stand over the four days. Most of the Scottish Field team will be there as its such a good way for us to meet our readers. We will have some fantastic goodies to giveaway to those of you that take out a subscription at the show, including Highland Park single malt whisky, Walkers Shortbread and some gorgeous products from Arran Aromatics.
For us the show epitomizes everything that Scottish Field is all about – where the town meets the country.  If you’ve never been follow this link to find out more about it and for those of you that have never been to see us, come along and say hello.

In this month’s issue we have tickets to the Royal Highland to give away so if you fancy getting in for free then enter now and who knows you might be a lucky winner.

I’m just hoping that my wellies and brolly don’t need to make a guest appearance this year!



Creative Editor.