Fringe: Refreshingly clean comic to make you laugh

The world is divided into two types of people, according to the likeable 26-year old comedian Ben Pope: those who are punctual, and those who are late.

He falls into the latter category, as witnessed by the fact that he arrives in a newly bought Edinburgh t-Shirt and his PJ bottoms. The Punctuals are saddos who rise early enough to make sandwiches for their lunch, while the Tardies have way more fun.

In his hour-long show he takes you through some of the various jobs he’s worked since leaving public school and uni.

These include working as a tour guide on ghost tours (expect some audience participation throughout the show); working in a toy shop where spoiled brats were the order of the day, and his stint in a bad bakery where the plethora of free doughnuts did not make up for the lousy wages.

These have all left their mark on Ben, who questions why we define ourselves by our job and makes some pertinent points on capitalism.

His material is fresh and original, refreshingly lacking in smut and swearing. He has an undoubted charm which leaves you thinking he’s the kind of guy you’d be happy to have a coffee with and listen to more of his thoughts on life and the relevance of work.

Venue: Bunker Two, Pleasance Courtyard.

Dates: 23 – 25 August, 8pm

Suitability – 14+

Running time: 60 mins

Ticket prices: £9 (concessions), others £10.

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