Scottish Opera names 60th emerging artist

SCOTTISH Opera is marking its 60th anniversary by appointing its 60th emerging artist. The opera company’s emerging artists perform on stage, as well as working in-house with staff and visiting coaches to develop their skills. The programme began in 2009 and has since expanded to include behind-the-scenes roles in addition to opera singers. This year’s…

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Associate artist to mentor Scotland’s top young musicians

A creative force on the Scottish music scene will help nurture the next generation of traditional musicians in a new artistic role at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Mike Vass, multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer and arranger, is the first associate artist in traditional music at Scotland’s national conservatoire, where he’ll mentor young musicians on the four-year…

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All-female The Tempest will re-open The Tron Theatre

Drama is returning to Glasgow’s Tron Theatre later this month. The last, exclusively Tron Theatre Company production to grace the main auditorium stage was the 2019 pantomime, Cinderfella, and they have announced their re-opening production, The Tempest will run from 29 October–13 November – and will also be one with an all-female cast. Artistic director,…

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Students learn from composer Errollyn Wallen

MUSICIAN Errollyn Wallen has been appointed as the visiting professor of composition at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (RCS) in Glasgow. Her role includes one-to-one teaching, as well as leading seminars and workshops. Born in Belize, Wallen gave up her training at the Dance Theater of Harlem in New York to study composition at the…

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Finalists named in shinty music contest

THREE musicians have been selected as the finalists in a unqiue composition competition. Ewen Henderson, Chris Gray, and Mary Ann Kennedy will compete for the top prize. The contest has been organised by the Royal Celtic Society (RCS), the Glasgow Celtic Society, and the Camanachd Association, shinty’s governing body, to mark the absense of the…

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V&A Dundee will host Awards for New Music

The Scottish Awards for New Music have announced the 2020 shortlist of nominees. They have been selected by a panel of key figures in the music world from over 300 nominations submitted across twelve categories. The winners will be announced at an event at V&A Dundee on Tuesday 14 April 2020. The shortlisted nominees are…

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Honour for Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland has become one of the first institutions in the country to be honoured for its pioneering work in promoting and encouraging career-long professional learning in the education sector. Scotland’s national conservatoire received a General Teaching Council for Scotland Professional Learning Award at a recent awards ceremony at the Crowne Plaza…

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A musical showcase for new talent in Scotland

A showcase of original work by music students in Scotland is taking place next month. PLUG Festival is all about showcasing original compositions by the students of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Once again there will be an evening of new chamber music by student composers from the Conservatoire in Glasgow, featuring new works by…

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