Culloden Battlefield: Clan Chief’s shoe buckle among new discoveries

Archaeologists have unearthed fascinating new artefacts from the Culloden Battlefield – including a clan chief’s shoe buckle. Researchers working around a 60 square-metre area close to what was the Government frontline at the 1746 battle uncovered incredible finds, including a variety of musket balls and grapeshot. A broken copper alloy buckle was also uncovered, which is…

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An epic tale set during the time of Culloden

Surrey-born author Kimberley Jordan Reeman has created an epic 782-page book that is not for the faint hearted. Set in Scotland in 1746 during the bloody military occupation of the Highlands, gut-wrenching atrocities set a distinctly dark tone from the outset. But when English soldier Mordaunt saves an infant from the horrors of 18th-century rebellion,…

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The battle of Culloden – from a new angle

The battle at Culloden Moor, the last pitched land battle on mainland Britain, is one of the most famous, and gruesome battles in our history and yet few authors focus on the battle itself. Instead they choose to write about the aftermath and the legends surrounding the infamous battle. Stuart Reid redresses that balance with…

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