Dog Days!

We are really enjoying all the pictures of your dogs that your are posting into tFergus my collie whippet crosshe gallery, so much so that we have set up a ‘Dedicated Dog Spot’. Post your favourite photograph of your dog and we’ll build a gallery of them.

To start the ball rolling here’s a picture of Fergus my fab ‘failed lurcher’. His breeder gave him away to us because he really can’t be bothered chasing rabbits.

His favourite thing in the world is to sit in the sun – a rabbit could tap him on the nose and all he’d do is open a sleepy eye. He’s a collie whippet cross.   Post your picture here today and let us know a bit about your dog.

We’ve already enabled the Dedicated to Dogs, gallery so you can start adding your own pictures of your dogs straight away.

Get started by logging in to your account and then click on the Control Panel in the top left, followed by Upload Photo.

Henrietta Forrest

Scottish Field