Theatres to commission new musicals

SINGERS Barbara Dickson and Ricky Ross have joined a selection panel to find the next great Scottish musicals.

Pitlochry Festival Theatre and Edinburgh’s Capital Theatres – which runs the Festival Theatre, the King’s Theatre, and The Studio – have created a musical commissioning hub, which will bring new shows to stages around Scotland.

The submissions process begins on Monday.

Fiona Gibson, chief executive of Capital Theatres, said: “As the impact of covid-19 deepens within our society, there is a real risk that new talent, and new creative content, will not come to the fore.

“This will not only result in a dearth of new work to be presented on our stages, and those of our comparators around the country, in the years to come, but will diminish the pool of creative Scottish talent that we seek to support and highlight.

“This commissioning hub presents us with the opportunity to invest in and develop the quality and diversity of works here, placing Capital Theatres and Pitlochry Festival Theatre at the heart of cultural richness in Scotland.”

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