Strathallan pupils jump with joy

ONE in three grades achieved by pupils at Strathallan in Perthshire in their Highers was an A, the independent school has revealed.

All the students who passed their computing, economics, music, and modern languages Highers gained As or Bs.

Headmaster Mark Lauder said: “I am absolutely delighted by these outstanding results, which represent a tremendous achievement for both pupils and staff.”

The school congratulated Struan Griffiths, one of its vice-captains, who achieved six As in his Highers to confirm his place at the University of Glasgow to study geography.

Griffiths also plays for the Scottish under-18 hockey team and Strathallan’s first fifteen rugby team, as well as preforming as a member of the school senior pipe band.

Strathallan also saluted Rowan Laird, who did well in his Highers and was accepted onto a once-in-a-lifetime traineeship at the William Fox-Pitt Yard in Dorset, where he will help with the equestrian training in the run up to the eagerly-awaited 2021 Olympics.

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