Podcast serves food and farming home school ideas

WHILE teachers may be starting to prepare their classrooms this month for the anticipated return of pupils in August, one podcast is giving parents some food- and farming-related home schooling ideas.

Rural podcast “OnFARM” has teamed up with the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) to produce the advice for parents and teachers.

The latest episode also announces an online event taking place on Thursday 18 and Friday 19 June – which would have been the start of Highland show – during which children, parents and teachers can watch or take part in events, demonstrations and activities focused on animals, plants, soil, food and cookery, the countryside and much more.

During the spring, the podcast has worked with the Royal Highland & Agricultural Society of Scotland (RHASS) and The Royal Highland Show to produce a series of episodes investigating what gap will be left by the cancellation of the show this summer, as well as looking at some of the behind-the-scenes the work of the society.

Anna Davies, who presents the podcast, said: “Making this episode not only inspired me to have a go at some food and farming themed learning activities with my children, but it has also given many of us an online event to look forward to at the end of June when we would otherwise have been enjoying the Royal Highland Show.

“Teachers tell me that it’s impossible to full delivery the curriculum for excellence without the resources provided by RHET and it’s a superb charity doing a wonderful job of helping our children to understand more about farming, food production and the countryside.

“I urge everyone to please spread the word about this podcast, the work of RHET and about the amazing learning events taking place on 18 and 19 June.

“As we come to terms with this ‘new normal’, resources such as this become even more valuable to teachers and certainly to parents like me.”

Read more countryside news on the Scottish Field outdoors pages.
