Joy Dunlop unveils Gaelic solo album

GAELIC singer Joy Dunlop is preparing to release her first solo album in a decade.

Dunlop, who also presents the weather for BBC Scotland, will unveil Caoir on 24 March, featuring fresh recordings of traditional Gaelic songs.

“I’ve always loved music that pushed the boundaries of what was considered ‘trad’, without losing the soul of the songs,” explained Dunlop.

“As a Gaelic singer, I’m always trying to make my music accessible to those who don’t speak the language.

“With this recording I wanted to capture the sentiment of the songs, whether the listener understands Gaelic or not, while adding new engaging elements to the music.”

She added: “Caoir started as a jam session with four fantastic musicians, and soon grew into something more – a selection of music that we all loved and a real friendship and bond between us all.

“I think that sense of joy really comes across in the recording.

“That mix of trust, creativity and drive for exploration eventually emerged as an album that will hopefully resonate with both trad fans and those who just love music.”

The first single from the ten-track album, Mo Nighean Donn Hò Gù, will be released on 10 March, with a launch gig for the album at Cottiers in Glasgow on 30 March.

Read more news and reviews on Scottish Field’s culture pages.

Plus, don’t miss author Alexander McCall Smith’s column in the March issue of Scottish Field magazine.
