Gran wins lifetime supply of Mackie’s ice cream

A GRAN from Dorset has won a lifetime supply of Mackie’s ice cream – 26 litres a year.

Margaret Pitman beat more than 40,000 other entrants to win the Aberdeenshire firm’s summer competition.

“I come from farming stock and when we had left over milk from the cows, we would make ice cream for our family desserts,” explained Pitman.

“When I received the phone call from Mackie’s, I couldn’t believe I’d won the competition – it was a fantastic surprise.

“My family are ice cream fanatics and we already always have a tub of Mackie’s in the house so this will go down well – especially with my grandchildren whose favourite flavour is ‘Traditional’.”

Pitman will now receive a litre of ice cream every fortnight for the rest of her life.

Stuart Common, Mackie’s sales director, added: “We’ve seen weird and wonderful compilations entered during this summer’s competition of how and where people enjoy their ice cream.

“We recorded our largest response to date.

“Though selected at random, Margaret’s winning ‘Mackie’s Moment’ was ‘sharing with my family and friends, even though we are a large family we always make sure there is plenty to go around’.

“With her lifetime’s supply, having enough to go around shouldn’t be a problem.”

Read more news and reviews on Scottish Field’s food and drink pages, in association with Cask & Still magazine.

Plus, don’t miss Masterchef finalist Sarah Rankin’s recipes in the November issue of Scottish Field magazine.
