Glenalmond College: Scottish boarding & day school for boys & girls hosts open day

Glenalmond College is a unique place of education. Its ability to balance a broad academic, personal and challenging curriculum whilst maintaining a warm, close-knit community, is unmatched.

Families choose us because of the opportunities we offer; the very best academic education, an extensive range of sports and activities outside the classroom, our inspirational 300 acre-site in the heart of Perthshire, and the chance to make friends who will last a lifetime.

We pride ourselves on shaping, developing and challenging our pupils, allowing them to explore their own potential, set their own ambitions and support them to thrive towards these.

Wonderful grounds and buildings are important and inspirational, but schools are first and foremost about people and relationships. Glenalmond pupils are the heart of the school, and the reason for all we do.

We are incredibly proud of the young men and women they become.

We would like to invite you to come and see, hear and feel the warmth of Glenalmond College for yourselves at our Open Morning on Saturday 30 September.

The morning starts at 9:30am with a greeting from our Warden, pupils will provide you with a guided tour of the school where you will also have the opportunity to meet our teaching staff.

To register your attendance, please complete this registration form.

Our admissions team will then be in touch to discuss details further. If you have any queries in the meantime, please contact us at or phone us on +44 (0)1738842144.

Read more on Scottish Field’s News pages. 

Plus, don’t miss the October issue of Scottish Field magazine.
