Fringe: Lucie Pohl offers a mixed bag of laughs

Okay, here’s a few things you should know about stand-up comedian Lucie Pohl.

Firstly, she’s a short (5ft 1in) and hyperactively talented German-born New Yorker who dances like no-one’s watching and is inventively potty-mouthed.

Despite being pint-sized, this failed former actor (her words) nevertheless exudes the sort of charisma which registers on Geiger counters.

She also has a great line in self-deprecating chat, and even sounds good, a quality which explains how she became a video games celebrity whose role as Mercy on the insanely popular game Blizzard’s Overwatch (no, me neither) means she spends half her life at Comic Cons fending off the attentions of geeks.

So that’s most of the good stuff. Funny, check. Charismatic, check. Talented, check. And yes, there were times in Pohl’s stand-up show when she lived up to the rave reviews for her show, and during those moments I genuinely warmed to her.

But she also likes to swim in smut, which can make for dangerous waters, and despite her entertaining blowjob soliloquy and her enlightening explanation of tentacle porn (which I suspect was a gullibility test), there were also times when her incessant banging on about farts and shitting in a bucket grated so much that I understood the ‘I didn’t laugh once’ review from Three Weeks website, which she wears like a badge of honour on her fliers. A genuine mixed bag.

Lucie Pohl – Really, Really, Really, Really, Real, Gilded Balloon Teviot (venue 14), 9pm.

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