Game processor to only collect from BGA shoots

The British Game Alliance has announced that Braehead Foods of Kilmarnock will continue to only collect from BGA assured shoots next season.

As one of the first game processors to sign up to the scheme in 2018, and the only BRC accredited feathered game processor in Scotland, Braehead Foods only collected game birds from BGA assured shoots last season and will continue to do so in the 2020/21 season, in order to continue to meet the quality assurance demands of its clients.

Craig Stevenson, managing director of Braehead Foods said: ‘Braehead Foods has been processing and supplying Scottish game to chefs across the UK and Europe (EEC1738) for over 30 years, and we are proud to be part of the British Game Alliance assurance scheme.

‘In 2019, we only collected game from BGA audited estates and will continue with this throughout 2020.

‘Not only are the BGA promoting the consumption of game, they are ensuring by using approved auditors that the highest standards of animal welfare and game handling are practiced by their audited estates from hatchery to plate.

‘Collecting and processing game from BGA audited shoots gives Braehead Foods the confidence that the game we supply is high quality while offering consumers confidence in the provenance and total traceability of the game they eat.’

Matt Tough, BGA Commercial Director welcomed the decision, and said: ‘We are delighted that Braehead Foods will continue to lead the way in exclusively processing game birds from BGA assured shoots.

‘Our shoot standards ensure that modern consumers can be confident in the provenance of the meat, including focus on animal welfare and environmental impact, as well as quality.

‘We hope to see the rise in demand for sustainable game meat continue with other game processors following suit.’

The BGA is working closely with 18 game processors in the UK, covering over 65% of the game market. The BGA has continued to secure relationships with a huge variation of processors around the country and celebrates that game processors will have different capabilities depending on their size.

For more information on the BGA and its aims, visit
