Celebrate the wonderful artisan foods of Scotland

Scotland is known throughout the world for its delicious food – and so much of it is a craft in its own right.

That’s why the Scottish Rural Awards is looking to honour the dedication of those who work tirelessly in the industry, to honour them at the 2019 awards.

Primarily aimed at producers and retailers, the artisan food category is specifically designed to recognise enterprise, innovation and dedication in rural Scotland’s food production industries.

There is no single definition of artisan food, but artisan producers should understand and respect the raw materials with which they work.

They should have mastered the craft of their production process, and have a thorough understanding of what makes their manufacturing methods successful. The artisan food producer should also be mindful of the impact of their products on the environment.

The artisan food category welcomes nominations from all food producers, food retailers and ingredient suppliers, as well as any other businesses with vested interests in the development of Scottish produce.


The judges will be looking for evidence of how each nominee applies the term ‘artisan’ to their ethos, values and products. They will be looking for the nominee to answer the following:

Has the nominee worked to preserve or promote traditional recipes or ingredients? How has the nominee harnessed production methods to minimise wastage? What is the brand message of the product and how does this relate to rural Scotland? Has the nominee’s community been put on the map by the quality and diversity of the produce sold? Has the nominee challenged mass-production in favour of a more traditional approach?

Taking top spot in the artisan food category at the 2019 awards was Perthshire business Wild Hearth Bakery. This wood fired artisan bakery is dedicated to the world of natural sourdough. The bakery houses a 9.6-ton oven fired exclusively with sustainable wood and they are Andrew Fairlie’s bread supplier for his two star Michelin restaurant at Gleneagles.

Runner-up in the Artisan Food category was Nairn business The Really Garlicky Company. They have built up a reputation for the best premium quality garlic and they now sell their products nationwide through a major supermarket.

Taking home a Highly Commended award was Stewart Tower Dairy; their ice cream is produced on a Perthshire farm from ‘cow to cone’ using renewable energy, they also bring children onto the farm to educate them in responsible farming.

Click HERE for more information.
