A tasty trip down food memory lane

Lidl is set to take customers on a trip down memory lane as it unveils its special in-store Scottish Larder promotion, featuring a range of the nation’s most nostalgic treats.

Showcasing some much-loved favourites from Scots’ childhood, products on offer for a limited time only include Oor Wullie’s Braw Chew Bars, Bell’s Scotch Pies and Sliced Scotch Dumpling.

Meanwhile, those looking for something a little more contemporary can snap up Spicy Macaroni Cheese, Vegan Scotch Pies, Haggis Pakoras, Mrs Tilly’s Tablet Popcorn and Irn-Bru Bon Bons.

The Lidl event also features other iconic Scottish producers, including Mackie’s, Graham’s The Family Dairy and Simon Howie.

Lidl’s Scottish Larder week launches today (March 31st) across all of Scotland’s stores while stocks last.

A select list of the products available includes:

Hall’s of Scotland Black Pudding, 400g, £1.19; Bell’s Steak & Haggis Pie, 2 pack, 280g, £0.99; Bell’s Mini Scotch Pie, 6 Pack, £1.49; Bell’s Vegan Scotch Pie, 2 pack, £0.99; Bell’s Scotland’s Baker Fudge Cake, 250g, £1.49; McIntosh of Strathmore Family Sized Macaroni, 800g, £2.99; McIntosh of Strathmore Spicy Macaroni Pies, 2 Pack, 320g, £0.99;

Crownfield Scottish Porridge Pots, 65g, £0.35; Irn-Bru 1901, 750ml, £1.99; Irn Bru bon bons, 115g, £0.99; Tunnocks Mini Caramel Wafer Tub, 350g, £2.49; Mrs Tilly’s Tablet Popcorn, 170g, £0.99; Bell’s Sliced Scotch Dumpling, 2 pack, £0.69; Mrs Unis Haggis Pakora, 200g £1.49; and Oor Wullie’s Braw Chew Bars, 150g, £0.99.

