Review: Cinema premier of Stella

Jeremy Welch reviews Stella, the new award-winning film which is set in Galloway.

It’s 1937 and the storm clouds are darkening over Europe as war seems imminent. 

Stella, played by Oli Fyne, tells the story of her plight as a penniless Oxford graduate of Jewish descent accepting a job to tutor the children of Lord Rig, played by Gary Lewis. 

Stella has lost touch with her parents in the maelstrom of events in Europe.

Whilst tutoring at the House of Rig, Stella falls in in love with Will, played by Louis Hall, a nomadic poet living clandestinely on the House of Rig estate 

Lord Rig is an avid and wholehearted supporter of Oswald Mosley, played by Rufus Wright, and is to host Mosley at the House of Rig.

It is a dangerous time for Stella and her love of Will. The plot thickens from here and to reveal all would be to miss the pleasure of this film.

The script is tight and well written by Jessica Fox. The supporting cast are impressive but Oli Fyne, perfectly supported by Louis Hall, is outstanding. 

I have followed their careers from their early days at the Edinburgh Festival a few years ago to their now, well deserved, lead roles in a feature film. I suspect this is not the last we are going to hear or see of these two on the silver screen.

Stella is a testament to the Scottish Film industry both on the screen and behind the camera.

I would suggest you stream it or go and see Stella as it’s two hours of skilfully executed pleasure.

The film is available at selective cinemas and is available free on STV Player streaming service UK wide.


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