FRINGE REVIEW: “Shamilton”

ShamiltonVenue 17 – Assembly George Square Studios – Studio One – 5.30 pm

LIN-MANUEL Miranda’s hip-hop musical Hamilton is a modern classic, adored by fans world-wide. So, it is no surprise that Baby Wants Candy’s improv spoof Shamilton would be just as well received.

Outfitted in near-matching costumes, the performers took the stage with confidence and introduced the show’s premise. The group asked audience members to name someone famous – real or fictional. Taylor Swift was thrown out there along with more controversial choices – one guest was cut off by the performers for his rather dark suggestions – but the winning choice came from a preteen in the front row: Pikachu.

You may be wondering how the group managed to make a show about arguably the most famous Pokémon engaging for the mostly adult audience – but they did. Armed with very limited knowledge from the young man in front row, the performers individually pulled together everything they knew about the yellow, electric Pokémon to come up with witty songs that not only often rhymed but moved the plot forward.

I was continually impressed with the troupe’s creativity and quick thinking to deliver a hilariously consistent story that loosely followed the Hamilton arc featuring “The Rocket Team” and their questionable sibling relationship, a romance between Pikachu and Squirtle, and the climate change crisis. The band set the tone of each segment with an impromptu beat, and the performers matched their energy with vocals and beats to the audience’s delight.

This is a fabulous and energetic show with talented and creative performers. It’s different every night, so definitely worth going again even if you have been once before.


Get the full details about the show here.

Plus, read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.
