See You – Venue 22 – Dance Base – Studio 1 – 5.30pm

A ROSTER of stunning shows has been brought to the Fringe this year by Taiwan Season, and contemporary dance company Hung Dance and choreographer Lai Hung-Chung’s psychologically-charged See You tops my list of best performances.

Each of these incredibly capable dancers’ movements felt both fragmented and synchronised, combining a deliberate slowness with sudden brisk confrontational manoeuvres that the production states were “developed from the Tai-Chi principles of spiralling and discharging energy”. These moments kept audience members firmly fixated on the ever-changing set and created tension that could be felt and heard through the audience’s altered breathing.

When the dancers moved as one, they flowed beautifully even as their movements became disjointed. And as they broke off into pairs or solo dances, they showcased their individual power and ability in the push and pull exchanges that caught and captured our attention.

A final word of admiration for the lighting technician who created the atmosphere on stage, from the brief moments of tenderness to eerie synchronised group dances, each of the dancers were highlighted or shadowed flawlessly to suit the mood.

The best performances linger with you afterwards and as I’m still left with a turbulent mix of emotions the next day – a mixture of awe, disquiet, and reflection – I highly recommend you see this incredible work brought to life by a gifted troupe and remarkable choreographer before it’s too late.


Get the full details about the show here.

Plus, read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.
