Fringe review: My Neighbours Are Kind Of Weird

When entering a venue for an hour-long self-proclaimed witty and wry look at millennial culture, with a side salad of hypocrisy and narcissism, one arrives with a heavy heart. One was wrong though. This was a thoroughly enjoyable comedic excursion that fused universally good performances from all five young actors, and some admirably taut script-writing from emerging twentysomething wordsmith Panda La Terriere.

The play’s plot revolves around Trustafarian millennial Livvie, a self-obsessed influencer and podcaster living with her drippy, woke, wellness-obsessed fiancé Eddie. The pair live rent-free in a flat owned by her grandmother and are happily living the cliché until a trendy and mysterious couple – Kevin and AmahZing Laddih – move into the flat upstairs, at which point proceedings take a surprising and decidedly devilish segue into the surreal.

Lead actress Sophie Graham gives a particularly strong performance, but she is well-supported by a versatile cast who slip seamlessly between characters. There are some unintentionally amusing moments, such as a dodgy Greek accent that wouldn’t be out of place on Mind Your Language, but by and large La Terriere’s script leads the audience skilfully by the nose. Not that we were complaining: there was more than a smattering of laughs, interspersed with a couple of guffaws and the occasional laugh-out-loud moment in this feel-good fandango.


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