Fringe Review: Kokoon

Megan Amato reviews Kokoon at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

K-POP fans who don’t take themselves too seriously were in for a treat earlier this month as comedy-boyband Kokoon did their run at the Edinburgh Fringe. Combining classic choreography with comedy skits and lip syncing to both K-Pop giants and their own singles, Kokoon had their audience laughing in delight and dancing along with their antics.

Celebrity or “idol” culture in countries such as Korea, Japan, and China is very different to the celebrity culture in Britain and North America. For better or worse, idols have more responsibility to their fans and therefor there is more fan service.

Kokoon pokes fun at this – as their own fans cheer for them in the background – as Jae Min, Ju Won, Sae Am Shu Ya, and of course Won Ki introduced their “roles” with various levels of ego and wit. If you are familiar with the dynamics of a K-Pop band, you can’t help but laugh as two playfully argued about who is the “face” of the band.

Donned in a bowl cut, poor Won Ki (which I am assuming is not a real Korean given name) was delegated primarily as comedic relief but he took the pointed jokes good-naturedly and showed the audience that he can put on a show as well as any of the others.

Despite the comedic note that felt like a variety show, the atmosphere was electric. Young girls screamed in the front row with signs declaring their love for the band – some in higher octaves when their favourite (or in K-Pop terms, their bias) came on. The group’s tight choreography on the wee stage left us in awe of their stamina and training, and their up-beat attitude was infectious.

Kokoon gave a unique and delightful performance, full of Korean-style humour that both satirises and pays tribute to the massive engine that is the K-Pop industry. Well worth their popularity.


Find out more about the show at https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/kokoon

Read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.

Plus, don’t miss the September issue of Scottish Field magazine.
